Understanding and Facilitating Rural Health Transformation

Tools & Resources

Financial Risk Management

Health care organization capacities to moderate risk of harm or optimize risk of benefit relative to Value-Based Care.

Featured Resource

Financial Modeling

Critical Access Hospital Financial Pro Forma for Shared Savings - Assess the financial implications of joining a Medicare Shared Savings Plan Accountable Care Organization with this Excel-based financial modeling tool. (Rural Health Value, 2017). "A very helpful tool for facilities that are trying to determine the potential impact of joining an ACO. There's no telling how much time someone would have to spend to try to put an analysis like this together on their own, or how much confidence they'd be able to place on the estimates that they would come up with on their own."
   - William Adcock, CFO, Union General Hospital, LA

Tools & Resources

Care Management Medicare Reimbursement Strategies for Rural Providers – Gain a better understanding of the Medicare billing codes for appropriate services, rural providers can support patient health and wellness through this Rural Health Information Hub resource. (2017)

Critical Access Hospital Financial Pro Forma for Cost Reimbursement - Explore long term financial projections under the current Fee For Service system with this Excel-based financial modeling tool created by Rural Health Value. (2015)

Critical Access Hospital Financial Pro Forma for Shared Savings - Assess the financial implications of joining a Medicare Shared Savings Plan Accountable Care Organization with this Excel-based financial modeling tool created by Rural Health Value. (2017)

Road to Value Guide: Financial Strategy to Transition to a Value-based System - Provides rural hospital executive and management teams with generally accepted best practice concepts in developing the necessary financial strategies to survive the transition from a volume-based reimbursement methodology to a system based on value. (2015)

Rural Health Potentially Avoidable Utilization (PAU) Dashboard - Interactive dashboard providing information on potentially avoidable utilization at rural hospitals based on 2019 Medicare claims data. Includes data on admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions, hospital readmissions, and potentially avoidable emergency department visits. (Mathematica, 2021)

Sustainability Strategies for Community-based Palliative Care: A Blueprint for Supporting Rural Palliative Care Services – Developed by Stratis Health, a summary of field-tested approaches and supporting resources to assist rural community-based palliative care programs in identifying financial strategies to support and sustain services, including a focus on alignment between palliative care services and value-based contracting. (2019)

Profiles & Case Studies

Community Reinvestment Program - Learn about how a 12-county collaboration in rural eastern Oregon offers a community reinvestment grant program to achieve coordinated care organization metrics and innovate to improve health within individual counties in this Rural Health Value profile. (2018)

Global Budget Process as an Alternative Payment Model - Learn how McCready Health regularly monitors and adjusts fees to achieve budget goals within Maryland’s all-payer hospital rate-setting system in this Rural Health Value profile. (2017)

Proactive System Affiliation – This Rural Health Value profile describes an alliance of small rural hospitals, locally owned and controlled, that established a mutually beneficial affiliation with a large regional medical center. (2015)

Rural Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Care Coordination - This Rural Health Value profile highlights about care coordination at MaineHealth, a not-for-profit, integrated, healthcare delivery network ACO. (2015)

Rural Health Networks and New Forms of Governance – In this Rural Health Value profile, learn about a formal collaborative of independent rural and urban hospitals that serves patients across the continuum of care. The network's governance structure enables all members to have an equal voice at the table. (2015)