RHV Documents Archive

Older, but still valuable documents, from the Rural Health Value team.

Get ahead of AHEAD in Rural!

On January 29, 2024, the RHV team conducted a webinar to talk about the States Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) model. The webinar was designed to help rural health leaders (including state agencies such as Medicaid and public health) interested in the AHEAD model identify opportunities and next steps. (2024)

The Rural Emergency Hospital and Value-Based Care

REH is a new hospital designation to be effective January 1, 2023. An REH will be a rural hospital providing outpatient services (including emergency and observation services), but not providing inpatient care services. REHs may have a role in value-based care by ensuring access to health care, or as a component of a regional health system participating in value-based care models. This brief outlines issues for consideration by stakeholders for input into proposed rules. (2021)


Through the new Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model, CMS aims to continue addressing disparities by providing a way for rural communities to transform their health care delivery systems by leveraging innovative financial arrangements as well as operational and regulatory flexibilities. The Rural Health Value team has been hosting "Let's Talk About CHART" virtual discussions to help rural communities and stakeholders identify opportunities, questions, and potential next steps regarding the CHART Community Track application. (2020)

Technical Assistance for Hospitals Applying to the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model

A CMMI-Sponsored Rural Hospital Global Budget Model - This brief summarizes Rural Health Value’s process to facilitate hospital development of a transition plan for those considering developing or participating in a global budget or other transformation models for rural hospitals. (2019)

What Are Rural Health Leaders Asking about Value-Based Care and Payment?

This brief summarizes the health care value issues most frequently cited, and given the highest priority, by 26 rural health care leaders. (2018)